A Harvard Business Review Survey found that only 36% of organizations use some advanced tools and practices, but they are mostly underutilized or disconnected.

And that only 15% of companies use advanced marketing tools, analytics, and practices widely for more effective marketing and sales efforts.

Are you in the 15%, or are you having trouble integrating advanced marketing tools and practices to your business?

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, at what extent do you use advanced tools to maximize your marketing?

Let us know. Shoot us an email markus@onlinemarketdomination.com.


Remember, There are bold choices and there are easy choices. Make bold choices!

We are not for those who shrink from leading. Lead the Pack!

We stand for those in the front of the line — the bold, the visionary, the entrepreneurs and risk-takersThose who surprise the world by taking a leap into the future."

Be bold, Be visionary, Be entrepreneurial-minded, Be a risk-taker! Leap into the future!

 Carpe Diem!