The Why and How of LinkedIn for B2B Leads
- Online Market Domination
It seems that in social media lists, LinkedIn is always thrown at the end as another, lesser, option to the bigger sites.
However, if you are looking to make B2B connections and grow your leads there is no more effective social media platform than LinkedIn!
Unlike the other social media channels out there, LinkedIn was specifically designed for business leaders to share ideas and make connections.
Studies have shown:
1) 92% of B2B Marketers leverage LinkedIn over all other social platforms.
2) 79% of B2B Marketers view LinkedIn as an effective source for generating B2B leads.
3) 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn.
4) 43% of marketers say that they have sourced a customer from LinkedIn.
So hopefully those statistics have pointed out to you why using LinkedIn is an effective choice for your business. Now, let’s focus on how you can best utilize the site.
Just showing up to the party isn’t enough, you are going to have to enter the conversation. In order to do that your company needs to begin posting engaging content for your target decision makers to read and share. Here are three points for you to think about regarding LinkedIn content:
1) 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content
Businesses are sharing tons information with one another and making connections. It is time for you to join in and boost your visibility by posting useful content for your future customers.
2) 10 pieces of content are consumed before a purchasing decision is made.
People are constantly taking in information and researching before buying, especially on LinkedIn. Now through the content you post, your business has a direct way to speak into their decision-making process.
3) LinkedIn SlideShare reaches 70M unique visitors a month.
The site is now among the top 100 most-visited websites in the world. The audience is already right there for you to reach out to!
We are ready and willing to help you create and post content that is going to make valuable connections and grow your business!
Contact us today at

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