If you’ve spent much time on the internet, you’ve been exposed to reputation marketing. We all know people who insist on checking a restaurant’s Yelp review before trying out a new place. As consumers, we tend to be more likely to purchase a product that has good reviews or buy that same product from a seller online that has a good selling history and 5 star ratings.

What is Reputation Marketing?

So What Exactly Is Reputation Marketing?

Reputation marketing caters to the socially connected online world. The internet is where a brand’s reputation is vetted and critiqued by consumers who leave online reviews, ratings, comments, pics on social media websites. Reputation marketing blends brand marketing with reputation management into the new field of reputation marketing.

Why Is Reputation Marketing Important?

With the prevalence of social media platforms consumers are afforded a high-level of customer interaction whether it be a brand, store, product, or service. This interaction also means people can easily publish reviews, comments, and complaints about your company. These reviews can show up in internet search results and negatively impact your brand.

How Can You Use Reputation Marketing To Your Advantage?

One of the best ways to works reputation marketing to your advantage is to make sure you provide easy ways for your customers and clients to positively review their experience. Solicit positive reviews. Have a review portal that makes it quick and simple for consumers to review and rate your company.

If you do receive negative feedback, handle those complaints offline. People watch to see how complaints and negative ratings are handled. This is just a good rule of thumb.

Call Online Marketing Domination

If you have more questions about reputation marketing or want to learn more about our products and services, give us a call at  847-238-2768. We’ll be happy to answer whatever questions you may have.


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