The great thing about the Facebook Timeline page for your business, you can add apps that will help you with a complete variety of functions. Three of these apps will show up in your Views and Apps Bar. When they are clicked on, it will take your page visitors to a new page that has the specific app. There are apps for just about anything you could think of that would be helpful to further market and sell your products and services. Many of these apps are free and some will have a cost associated with them depending on where you get the app to use at your Facebook Page.

A popular app to have is an app that automatically posts links to your blog articles as they are posted to your business blog. This app can be integrated into your business website so you do not have to do it manually. People who may not have visited your site might see these posts at Facebook and click through to your site for additional exposure to your business.
Other apps include social bookmarking apps that allow Facebook users to subscribe to your RSS feeds if they so choose. E-Commerce apps are available so you can sell products and services directly from your Facebook account. Since Facebook does not allow for promotions and contests to be posted directly on your wall or cover photo, you can use a variety of apps in order to create exclusive promotional and sales for your Facebook followers.

There are apps that allow you to publish polls to further engage your followers and learn more about how to offer them the products and services they need. Apps for surveys and discussion boards are also helpful to keep followers engaged and receive important information from them in order to improve your business offerings.

Apps that help you see news and deals from your website is a timesaving app for many time challenged business owners. Another time saving apps allow integration from other social media sites that will automatically upload posts across the networks your business is involved with. Apps that allow additional contact information such as Google Maps are timesaving for potential customers so they do not have to leave your business Facebook page in order to find out how to get to your business.

There are also apps that allow you to highlight your top followers, your Business page “Likes”, a calendar for events and a large variety of other apps. Consider which apps would be most beneficial for your business to use. Chances are you will find one that fits the bill.


Remember, There are bold choices and there are easy choices. Make bold choices!

We are not for those who shrink from leading. Lead the Pack!

We stand for those in the front of the line — the bold, the visionary, the entrepreneurs and risk-takersThose who surprise the world by taking a leap into the future."

Be bold, Be visionary, Be entrepreneurial-minded, Be a risk-taker! Leap into the future!

 Carpe Diem!