How to Engage Your Business Facebook Timeline Page Followers
- Online Market Domination
When you start to get more Followers to your business Facebook Timeline page, you will begin to wonder how to best keep them engaged. Brands have a harder time keeping people engaged, especially if they come across as too much of a business and not enough of a personality. That is why it is so important to define the personality your business has by emphasizing the culture of your business and personality of you and your staff members. Another reason is people need to be emotionally stimulated in order to share, post or otherwise engage with Facebook posts and many businesses fail to emotionally stimulate their Followers because they are afraid to stretch the limits of what might be appropriate for their target market.
The most important thing to have in order to keep your Facebook Followers engaged is great content that goes straight for your Followers hearts. Think about what your target market is going to love the most. If you are a dog washing business, adorable pictures of dogs and puppies, tips about caring for and training your dog and other interesting information is going to be exciting for your Followers. Remember people go to Facebook to stay connected and be entertained, if they wanted dry or boring information, they would not go to their favorite social spot on the web, so keep that in mind. Be shocking, create feelings of joy or give people great tips that will help them in their everyday life.
Videos and images will go a long way to keep Followers engaged. People are becoming much more visually conditioned and catching their eye long enough to make sure you get their interest is going to come through images and videos over words any day. Create videos of how your products or services work, create videos of the little league team your business sponsors, or the company holiday party, or summer picnic. Keep the videos under four minutes long and moving at a rate that will keep viewers captivated. You can also share compelling videos from YouTube instead of always creating your own.
Images can be of your products, employees, topics relative to your products or services, or just about anything that you believe your target market will love to comment on or share with their friends. Facebook etiquette is very specific about tagging images and if people such as staff or customers show up in your pictures, make sure and let them know before you tag them. Better yet, ask them to tag themselves. When someone is tagged in an image, the image will show up on their Facebook page as well. This is a great way to get exposure.
Keep a good sense of humor. If you can keep your Followers laughing, and especially if you can help them get their social media friends laughing because they could share what you offered, you are going to develop a loyal group of Followers. Make fun of your business in a lighthearted way and share images of goofy moments. Share the daily escapades of the office adventures with your Followers and allow them to feel like they are part of your business. Everyone loves to feel like they are a part of something and the more they feel as if they are a part of your brand’s culture, the more they will want to do business with you.
While Facebook frowns on contests and promotional events being hosted through your business Facebook Timeline page, you can still have some guessing games, or ways of keeping Followers engaged that is not a formal contest, yet will still be highly popular. Giving away a $5 gift card to someone for answering some random trivia question or coming up with the best caption for one your business images is a fun way to celebrate your Followers. The $5 gift card is well worth the investment when Followers stay engaged hoping they will become the next $5 winner. It will also create more Followers when winners brag to their Facebook Friends about how they won something from your business Facebook Timeline page.
Remember to ask questions about business ideas you are considering as well. People love to give their opinion. When they feel as if you are interested in what they have to say about the way you do business they will gain trust that you are a great business to give their patronage to. For example, if you are a car wash, you can ask customers what scent they prefer for the interior of their car and why they like it the best such as “New Car Smell”, “Pine Fresh”, or “Fruity Scents”.
With all the ideas for posting content that will keep your Followers engaged, responding to them is the most important practice to keep up with. Respond as immediately as possible to comments or wall posts from your Followers. Use open ended questions when possible to keep the communication flowing. When your Followers see that you reciprocate with responses to their activity they feel as if you value them and will become more inclined to stay engaged. They will also feel more inclined to recommend your business to their friends and associates because they will feel as if they have a personal relationship with you. That alone can convert Followers into customers more than any promotional or sales item you may have to offer.

Remember, There are bold choices and there are easy choices. Make bold choices!
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We stand for those in the front of the line — the bold, the visionary, the entrepreneurs and risk-takers. Those who surprise the world by taking a leap into the future."
Be bold, Be visionary, Be entrepreneurial-minded, Be a risk-taker! Leap into the future!
Carpe Diem!